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Hello! Welcome to Propagation Addiction.

I’m Karina. A wife, a mother of two beautiful boys and a gorgeous (crazy!) French Bulldog… and plant mum to an ever-expanding collection of plants. Thanks for joining me here, where I hope to inspire, share my knowledge and to learn something new.  

Propagation Addiction

A little about me…

I am originally from the very beautiful coastal city of Cape Town, South Africa where I was born and raised. I moved to London shortly after graduating in 2001.

While working in London I met my husband and after a few years we decided to make the move to Sydney, Australia (another beautiful coastal city) where we have made our very happy family home. 

I’ve always loved all things crafty and having plants in the house, but it was only in the worldwide lock down in 2020 and subsequent redundancy from work (thanks to the Covid pandemic!) that my enthusiasm for houseplants and propagation grew.


It started with Fred….

I had a Monstera Deliciosa in our London apartment called Fred. I loved Fred, and the green life he brought to our space on the 11th floor overlooking Wimbledon. When we moved to Sydney, Fred was adopted by my mother-in-law… and we’ll just leave that story there! 

I got another Monstera as soon as we were settled in Australia. And then a Fiddle Leaf Fig. And then a snake plant and a few varieties of pothos. And then…. I haven’t stopped!


Pothos roots propagated in water

Plant Propagation

Propagation methods, common mistakes and the joy of watching a new plant grow.

Alocasia zebrina family zebra plant

Plant Care

Keeping your house plants happy and healthy, pest control and understanding the signs yours plants are sending you

Homemade clay plant plant

Plant Craft

Houseplant related craft including tutorials on making your own clay pots, macrame plant hangers and painting.

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